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USA won 11½ to 6½

Looking for Inspiration…

As the wind swept the famous links, the 1976 staging of the Curtis Cup came to Royal Lytham. Played biennially, the American Team came to Royal Lytham having won 15 of the previous 17 matches.

For the American team, Beth Daniel made her first of two Curtis Cup appearances whilst Nancy Lopez made her own. For GB&I they looked to a member of the Royal Lytham family for inspiration, Ann Irvin, who is now an Honorary Member of the Club.

Beth Daniel who came as reigning US Amateur Championship showed the 9,000 spectators that the British had a monumental challenge ahead. Barbara McIntire, the United States nonplaying captain had warm praise for Miss Daniel stating that “It was a great performance for a girl of her age, to come to Britain for the first time and go out first in all four series of matches, foursomes and singles and play as well as she did,”.
Despite poor weather on day 1 and their oppositions having home advantage, the American’s claimed a comprehensive victory defeating GB&I by 11.5 points to 6.5, looking cool and confident in the process.

USA 11.5 to 6.5